
17 December 2009

Artist Giveaway

Check out this post from artist Jessica Doyle. She is giving away some of her artwork for the holidays.
Have you considered making something special for a gift for a parent or grandparent?

21 November 2009

Color Schemes

Check out the following website when planning color schemes.
Color Scheme Designer

06 November 2009


Originally uploaded by andrea joseph's illustrations

Check out this artist's sketchbook pages.
Andrea Joseph

24 October 2009

Anu Tuominen

Check out the work by Anu Tuominen. I just love this picture of the used erasers. When everyday objects used to create art it reminds me of the very visual and very beautiful world we live in. via Poppytalk

Image Transfers

I know many of you like to use image transfers in your work. I came across this blog this weekend that shows how you can do image transfers with inkjet images.

Image transfer onto wood - via matsutake

She uses Modpodge for the transfer process but this would work with gloss medium as well.

13 October 2009

Source for textures

The Texture Vault is a source for royalty free textures and backgrounds. Great for those that need cool collage papers. Royalty free means that you can get these artist created backgrounds for free and use them in your work without paying a fee. These are still copyrighted works so they may be used in the same way that we use other published works (documenting the source and as part of a larger work of art).

Check out these from an artist I follow on Twitter.

What are your thoughts on using others' art in your work?

31 July 2009

Summer's almost over.

Have you been working on any artwork lately? Remember to come back to school with something started that you can finish in the last week of August. I expect you to be working on our first day back. Check our class calendar for some dates for next year. I have put up what I know now, including our exam date next April. See you soon!
M DeBello

15 May 2009

Guest Post - Krystal

Juan Geuer

Al Asnaam, 1979

Juan Geuer is a Canadian installation artist that combines the sciences and the arts to create what he described as "something nobody else has done". The piece above exemplifies the connection Geuer found between the sciences and the arts. Al Asnaam is made up of a laser and a seismometer, and a lot of other electrical engineering materials and concepts. What it does is it projects, through the lasers, the minute pulsing and tremors of the planet. In the dark room, the red laser is constantly changing shape to fit the movements of the earth, making the artwork seem alive.
In Geuer’s work engineering and art is often used to show the unity between nature, science and the beauty of the world, which can be explored here and here. The complexity of science and art are interrelated in his work, and he often describes his work as an extension to the sciences. His official website is here, and commentary on his work can be found here.

11 May 2009

Guest Post - Sam

Olafur Eliasson: Geometrical Spatial Installation Art

“The Weather Project”

Olafur Eliasson’s installation artworks deal with the concept of using geometrical figures in combination with space which then creates an over whelming atmosphere. His pieces tend to have a repetition of rectangle or square figures with a combination of another offset figure such as a circle (oval) or triangle in order to create contrast between the forms. His use of repeating like-geometrical figures creates rhythm within the work and his use of color scheme whether monothematic scheme or multiple variations creates unity within his pieces and allows his works to flow rather than static like an ordinary geometric figure.
These are some more work of his where he uses space within geometric figure: here and here
Here is a direct link to his website here

26 April 2009

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

April 26th is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day. If you are interested in photography this would be a cool thing to try.

For more information on pinhole photography, check out Photojojo.

This image is from They have instructions on making a camera from objects you may have at home.

Or you can try downloading this paper pattern from Corbis Readymech Cameras.

23 April 2009

Jerzy Goliszewski: Dimensional Work

This is a guest post from Monica:

Jerzy Goliszewski's wooden scupltures play with the idea of inorganic shapes creating an organic topography-like series. Though the individual pieces have sharp edges, the entirety of the sculpture undulates and appears to move as a wave or gently sloping hill.
These sculptures are dimensionally intense, focusing on form instead of color or variety. The strength of these pieces is their simplicity and sole focus on the element of form. See more work here and here.

22 April 2009

Concept Map for Developing Ideas

For a larger copy, click on the link. Idea Development
For an easy web application for concept maps go to

12 April 2009

Get your own font.

So you all know I kinda like fonts. So what is better than a font based on your handwriting? Its at Right now its free but they plan to start charging soon so try it out.

11 April 2009

Opportunity for an extra grade.

Students: If you are interested in being a "guest blogger" let me know. You will need to find an artist to feature that other students might be interested in. You will need a picture (title and artist to give credit), correct links to their work or website, and a one to two paragraph introduction. This is an optional assignment for those who a interested. It will be recorded as an extra grade.

Caroline Saul

Check out this work by Caroline Saul. She uses plastic milk bottles to create her sculptures. Read more about her work at Art MoCo and see more pictures at her website.

I know many of you like to work with recycled and found materials, usually by adding them to a larger work of art, but what do you think about using those recycled materials for the base for your work?

04 April 2009

Design Principles in Photography

Kicks - by blogger Hula Seventy

Notice the strong horizontal lines pulling you into the picture and drawing your eye towards the subject.

Plink Plink - by blogger Hula Seventy

Notice the repetition of the shapes of the guitars - works to unify the pic - while the colors add variety. Also important is humor.

Check out her blog for other pictures in this series. What are your opinions?

03 April 2009

El Anatsui

Crumbling Wall - El Anatsui

Check out West African artist El Anatsui. You can read about some of his work and for certain pieces you can listen to him talk about them.

31 March 2009

Visual and Musical Game

You have got to try this out.


Steven Bogart

Gamma by Steven Bogart

Check out more of his work and the interview with him on myartspace>blog. Its a great interview in which he talks about his artistic influences and the meanings behind his work.

20 March 2009

Work in Progress Critique

Please comment on Monica's March artwork. This is still a work in progress as the two pieces have not been permanently attached yet. Hopefully Monica will comment and let us know what this piece is about.

17 March 2009

Extra Credit Opportunity

This weekend is the Central Park Art Show in downtown Winter Haven. It is right downtown across from the library and is open 10-4. If you go, interview an artist, get a card and do a one page write up (in your IWB) of your interview. Be specific. Think about what type of questions you would ask a working artist. Look for someone who is doing something interesting or is working in a media you like. Be polite and introduce yourself as an art student at Haines City IB (remember you are representing the school and me, be good). Most people will be happy to talk to you if their booth is empty but if not just find someone else. I should be there on Saturday.

08 March 2009

Using your Journal

Advice from blogger Evan Wilson:

"Everyone is creative. People don’t tend to organize and focus that abstract creativity. Always have a little notebook with you! Anything you think that you like, or believe could be expanded upon should be written down. Don’t worry about production. This is your place to scribble and be chaotic! When you want to take the idea to the next level, you can even plan that next phase of your idea in the journal. Alternatively, you can execute these ideas in other formats or mediums. For example, if you have an image in your mind, draw a thumbnail. You can turn that into a painting or photo later. That is when you can worry about details, composition, and quality control..."
Posted to Moleskinerie

The Purpose of Critique

Wendy Edsall-Kerwin, a jewelry and metal artist, writes about critique in art:

These days it seems that all people will tell you about your work is “I love it” or “I hate it.” But why? What makes you love or hate it? How could it be made better? What strengths and weaknesses does it have? There is a lot of mediocrity out there. Sometimes what we need to hear is a little constructive criticism to knock us out of our safe place. Without risk there can be no gain. Sure you might make a mistake, but that’s how you learn. We need to step outside the realm of black & white. It’s within the shades of gray that we learn to challenge ourselves and to see things from different perspectives.
She writes about her experience with critique in art school and is looking for feedback on her work. Click here to read the full blog post.

What are your thoughts?

01 March 2009

Pictures from the Congo

Check out this article and collection of images. This is an amazing example of how art (in this case photography) can be used to tell a story.

Test your ability to recognize fonts.

Font Game

I scored 110123, can you beat my score?

18 February 2009

Work in Progress

"Untitled" - Katarina
Post your thoughts for this work in progress critique. Kat is looking for some advice on a title. Maybe she will post and let us know what this one is about.

08 February 2009

Sticky Tape Sculptures

Check out this video.

01 February 2009

For those of you that like watercolor.

I'm always talking about getting contrast in your work. It is possible even with watercolor. The rich, bold colors really make this work special and the artist makes sure to incorporate black and white for a full range of values.

This work is by Michelle Ramin who paints scenes from her local Portland neighborhoods.
Check out her artist statement to find out more about her work.

Via Design*Sponge

Putti Trees Posters

Designed by Nod Young who owns Chinese design firm, Khaki Creative. These posters are interpretations of two Zen poems from The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.

From the artist:

"The poems teach us not to believe all that which exists, not even the reflection of ourselves in a mirror...It is difficult to achieve true creative freedom because we are overly concerned with aesthetics and meaning. This is why I especially enjoy these poems. I have used basic visual elements and colors to create a typographical work that represents my interpretation of design and Buddhism."
From the Dwell Blog

31 January 2009

Online Photo Gallery

Pictures of rural and urban decay.

Check out the link above and click on some of the pictures to see the slide shows. There is a sense of beauty in some of these abandoned places.

27 January 2009

Can art be made out of living things?

"Coexistence" by Mineo Mizuno

The artist "starts with large pebble forms that are dotted with holes, then planted with moss. After a precise schedule of shade and mist, the moss develops into an organic glaze. The outer covering remains responsive to the effects of temperature and moisture."

25 January 2009

Online drawing program

You've got to check out this site:


I think I spent an hour playing with it. Above is a screen shot of one of my drawings on there.

21 January 2009

Resource Link

I think this is the link Cecilia was talking about in class today. If you click on the artist tab at the top of the site you can search by subject, medium, and artist. Good for research. Check it out, then bookmark it.

Work in progress

Sam has agreed to share his work in progress for our first critique on the blog.

"The Punks"

Post your comments, remember no last names. Rules for critique on the blog are the same as in class but remember humor does not work as well when written as when spoken.

17 January 2009

Artist: Anish Kapoor

I saw this on Art MOCO.
"Kapoor continues to explore the notion of the void in these bold drawings of gouache on paper, further making the transition from exterior form of the object to its interior. The work is centered and the play between positive and negative space is a key element of the compositions. Movement in the shape of fibrous swirls leads to a change in light, drawing the eye outward to beyond the boundaries of the paper."
See more work from the exhibition here.

14 January 2009

Paper Illustrations

Check out illustrator and graphic designer Yulia Brodskaya.

You can see the rest of her work here:

What do you think about using only curled paper as a medium?

12 January 2009

Art is not about talent.

Just found this article about talent:

"People I don't even know will often send me images of their work and ask for my opinion. I can remember doing pretty much the same thing many years ago. It's a very common thing to do. I think what it boils down to, at least it was for me when I presented my teacher with my latest effort in the hope of getting the great anointment, is that we are basically asking, "Do we have talent?" And often that means talent sufficient to be a professional artist, or at minimum, are we good enough to pursue this thing called painting, or are we just wasting our time?

It's the wrong question. In fact, I would say that if you are asking some master artist to confirm or deny your talent, you already are in a heap of trouble because it means you are not getting it. It's not about talent. Talent is a dirty word because it assumes that only a few are able when it is quite the reverse."

Click here to read the whole article.
Art is Not About Talent.

09 January 2009

What's this all for?

This blog will serve as a place to share specific information for students in the IB art class both in year one and year two. Assignments, due date reminders, news, artists of interest will all be found here. We'll also work out a way to share artwork to comment on.