Jerzy Goliszewski's wooden scupltures play with the idea of inorganic shapes creating an organic topography-like series. Though the individual pieces have sharp edges, the entirety of the sculpture undulates and appears to move as a wave or gently sloping hill.
These sculptures are dimensionally intense, focusing on form instead of color or variety. The strength of these pieces is their simplicity and sole focus on the element of form. See more work here and here.
So you all know I kinda like fonts. So what is better than a font based on your handwriting? Its at Right now its free but they plan to start charging soon so try it out.
Students: If you are interested in being a "guest blogger" let me know. You will need to find an artist to feature that other students might be interested in. You will need a picture (title and artist to give credit), correct links to their work or website, and a one to two paragraph introduction. This is an optional assignment for those who a interested. It will be recorded as an extra grade.
Check out this work by Caroline Saul. She uses plastic milk bottles to create her sculptures. Read more about her work at Art MoCo and see more pictures at her website.
I know many of you like to work with recycled and found materials, usually by adding them to a larger work of art, but what do you think about using those recycled materials for the base for your work?
This blog is for the IB Visual Arts classes at Haines City. Here we will share artist's work and discuss our works in progress. I will be posting updates on what we are working on in class as well as reminders for certain due dates. If you have any questions you can contact me through the link on our class website.