
24 April 2011

50 things every graphic design student should know

Check out this blog post by designer Jaime Wieck.

Some of these are geared toward design student but others are more universal and can apply to anyone.

My favorites:

2. There is always someone better.

Regardless of how good you are, there will always be someone better. It’s surprisingly easy to waste time worrying about this. #the50

5. Starting anything requires energy.

It takes more energy to start than it does to stop. This is true for physics, your career, and that idea you need to work on. #the50

9. Curate your work.

Never stop editing your portfolio. Three strong pieces are better than ten weak ones – nobody looks for quantity, just quality. #the50

20. Ask questions.

Assume nothing. Ask questions, even if you think you know the answers. You’ll be surprised at how little you know. #the50

22. Seek criticism, not praise.

You learn nothing by being told how great you are. Even if you think your work’s perfect – seek criticism, you can always ignore it. #the50

34. Embrace limitations.

Limitations are invaluable for creating successful work: they give you something to push against. From this tension comes brilliance. #the50

43. Pick your battles.

The creative industry is often infuriating, but not every argument is an argument that needs to be had. This takes time to learn. #the50

49. Awards are nice, but not vital.

Awards look good on the shelf, but clients seldom pick up the phone because of them. Solid work encourages that. #the50

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i particularly enjoy #9. i think everyone could have really wonderful work if they took this into consideration more.