
30 September 2011

Extra credit opportunity for IB Juniors and Seniors

Be a guest blogger.


Find an artist.  Choose one or two images by that artist to include in your post.  Analyze the visual qualities of the artist's work.  Consider the function or significance of that artist's work.  Write a short post one or two paragraphs including the pictures and links to your sources or the artist's website.

Choose an artist that is doing something you find interesting and that you would like to share with others.

See me in class about posting it to the blog.

Deadline for this is October 21st.


Anonymous said...

Jackson Pollock (Maggie L.)
Number 7,1951.html
Jackson Pollock utilizes an asymmetrical balance with intricate detail which causes the painting to appear “heavier” on the right side. On the other hand, the left side is composed of enamel lines and splatters which contrast the chaos on the left side; it creates a dynamic composition.
Number 3
In this piece, Jackson Pollock used the paint-drip method to express a sense of chaos in his many pieces. He would put the canvas on the floor and used a new medium at the time, alkyd enamel; to “drip” the paint, he used stick, hard paint brushes, and sometimes syringes. The lack of focal point allows the eye to be carried across the page and not focus on one specific point; the colors and the lines would carry the eye. Jackson Pollock created a new method of painting, later known as action painting, where the movement of the media and the type of media was important, rather than the “intricate detail.” He also contributed greatly to the abstract expressionist movement in the 20th century.


m debello said...

While this is good content, if you read the post I said to see me about posting your info. You can't get credit for commenting, you'll be creating a post.